Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh hey..

So ...apparently I`m supposed to be keeping up with this or something...who knew, huh? Sorry any and all who actually read this, its not that Ive been extra busy or nothing at all has happened...its just..well...Im lazy.

Reality hurts sometimes...anyway.

I think I`ll tell you all about Hiroshima. But first, let me say that today is the second day in the row its been around 28ish degrees Celsius. Do the math, its nice. Real nice.

SO. Me and three of my fellow BCA students went to Hiroshima over Hokusei`s sports festival long weekend! We flew from Sapporo to Tokyo, then Tokyo to Hiroshima on Wednesday. From the airport, we took a bus to Hiroshima station, which was pretty close to the hotel, so lucky us. If memory serves we hung out at the hotel, since it was kinda too late in the day to start anything

THURSDAY! We first went to breakfast, which was buffet style, which was nice. Afterward we made our way to the Hiroshima Peace Park via..what are they called...cable cars? Yeah..those things. Anywho, the peace park was pretty fantastic. First, it was big, and pretty. Also like...apparently all schools by Hiroshima do field trips so there were hundreds of little kids running around, some saying `Harro` in varying degrees of correctness to us. They usually got a kick out of us responding in the appropriate Japanese. The A-bomb peace museum itself was incredibly powerful. I don`t think I could quite do it justice..but I`m sure you could imagine what a museum dedicated to the horrors of the atomic bomb would be like, yeah? Very powerful to say the least. It turns out Hiroshima is the leading city (or something) in advocating for the disuse of nuclear weapons. Sort of figures....but hey, the more you know, right?

We did various shopping and walking around afterwards, it was a good time. The next day we went to Miyajima, which was awesome. Its this island a ferry-ride away from the city area. The one word I could probably use to describe it is touristy. They have soooo many shops with the exact same products in them. It was insane, but a good kind of insane. -My- kind of crazy. Anyway, there were also wild deer roaming around, so we had to watch where we were stepping. After the ferry ride we walked to the cable cars that brought us to the top of Mt. Misen! The main reason I wanted to go up there was to see the wild monkeys...unfortunately, the monkeys were in the forest eating, or so the signs said. NOT a single monkey to behold, and we did a lot of hiking (in not-hiking clothes) in thejungle with the giant bugs.

It was sort of fun though....

anyway, we went down and on the way I saw someone from the peace museum in another cable care, which prompts this tiny side story: I notice that wherever we go to visit, like when we were all in Honshu, you end up seeing the same random people from other sites since youre all hitting the same tourist areas, its kinda funny.

Where was I? Oh, we got back down and...OH. okay, so there was this giant Torii Gate (a red gate to explain, google it) that is in the middle of the sea...well not quite the middle but you can walk out to it during low tide, and when we got down it was low tide so..I it..

you following?

Yeeesh. was cool.

I think I fail at blogging. That was pretty much it for Hiroshima, we werent there long, but it was a good trip, sorry for the lack of play by play... Anyway, currently, as I said, its a beautiful day out. I have class in about ten minutes, but not to worry, its a short one. (I knew you were)
I have about 3 weeks left, 3 WEEKS!? Yikes, the time flies. Im excited to go home but I can`t imagine leaving Sapporo. It has been surreal. I continue to love my host family. They recently gave me a I cant spell it..its like an old japanese two piece of clothing, you dont really wear it out but its okay to have...and wear inside..and for old people to wear..


anyway, gotta run, Ill try to update more .... and not be such a bum

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